Catholic schools have a straightforward goal: to foster the growth of good Catholic human beings who love God and neighbor and thus fulfill their destiny of becoming saints.
“The essential task of authentic education at every level is not simply that of passing on knowledge, essential as this is, but also of shaping hearts. There is a constant need to balance intellectual rigor in communicating effectively, attractively and integrally, the richness of the Church’s faith with forming the young in the love of God, the praxis of the Christian moral and sacramental life and, not least, the cultivation of personal and liturgical prayer.” ~ Pope Benedict XVI to the U.S. Bishops of Region XIII
In every aspect of their education, students need to be encouraged to articulate a vision of the harmony of faith and reason capable of guiding a life-long pursuit of knowledge and virtue.
We at St. Pius X High School embrace this tradition of spiritual, intellectual and human formation for each student. Through the formation in and practice of our Catholic faith, we lead students to discover that God’s revelation offers every generation the opportunity to discover the ultimate truth about his or her own life.