1987 Class Reunion
Date: February 11th
Time: 6:30pm - 12:00 am, but who knows!
Location: Ed Haselhorst's house @ 10614 Kennerly Rd - 63128
- BYOB – we will have mixers, soda, tea, coffee, etc.
- Food – appetizers, and I suspect more than plenty for everyone. Please don’t feel obligated to bring something, but if you insist, just let me know b/c we may end up with too much!
- Parking – along side and in front of the house as well as across the street on Windswept Dr.
PS – The Class of 1987 has a FB page that can add you for last-minute updates….just let Ed know how to find you if you’re not already on the page.
Ed Haselhorst:
Cell: 314-591-4522