
Strategic Plan

Strategic Planning Process

The St. Pius X High School administration, together with the Board of Directors, initiated the strategic planning process in January 2017 and ratified the 2017-2022 plan in August 2017. The primary goal of the plan was to develop a shared vision for the future that would assist the community in further advancing the mission of the school. In order to maintain the vision, the Strategic Plan Committee for the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan was created. The focus of the plan for 2023-2028 was to:

  • Envision the future of St. Pius X High School from the various perspectives of mission, strengths, resources, opportunities, and challenges
  • Develop a framework for setting and evaluating goals
  • Advance the understanding of St. Pius X High School’s unique mission
  • Strengthen the capacity to develop the philanthropic support to fulfill the mission 

The principal areas of this plan are as follows:

Catholic Identity Academics Student Life Advancement/Admissions Finance Facilities

The resulting strategic plan is a framework for ensuring the continued success of the primary mission of St. Pius X High School. The strategic plan will be continuously evaluated by the St. Pius X High School Board of Directors and President as tactical plans to implement these goals and strategies are developed. The community, through this plan, re-emphasizes its commitment to educate young men and women in an academically excellent faith-based environment.

The Strategic Plan

are broad statements of what must be achieved in order to reach the vision of St. Pius X High School. Objectives are more narrow statements of what must be achieved to accomplish the goals. NOTE: The goals and objectives presented in this strategic plan are not presented in priority order.

1. Catholic Identity

1.1. GOAL: Utilizing principles of Christian service, St. Pius X High School will develop service-oriented outreach within our school to neighboring communities, partner schools and areas in need of assistance on a scheduled or emergent basis.
1.1.1. Objective: Leverage Campus Ministry organization to determine opportunities for service.
1.1.2. Objective: Explore ways to achieve optimum participation in service events by St. Pius X High School community.  

1.2. GOAL: Integrate visual reminders of Catholic identity throughout the campus.
1.3. GOAL: Integrate teachings of the Roman Catholic faith into all aspects of school life.
1.4. GOAL: Ensure students develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ

2. Academics

2.1. GOAL: Ensure the curriculum (standards to be taught) and instruction (what is actually taught) are aligned to further student academic achievement.
2.1.1. Objective: Implement the use of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to assess curriculum, instructional delivery, and monitor individual student progress.
2.1.2. Objective: Ensure teacher professional development is intentional and will focus on student progress/success.

2.2. GOAL: Research and implement current trends and capabilities in technology to ensure its best use as an instructional tool.
2.2.1. Objective: Continue to offer professional development opportunities throughout the year to allow teachers to be informed of all instructional technology available.
2.2.2. Objective: Annually inventory and evaluate the use of technology and instructional programs.

 3. Student Life

3.1 GOAL: Explore opportunities to provide additional instruction in the areas of spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being, etiquette/manners, digital citizenship/social media and general life skills to align with our commitment of educating the mind, body, and soul.
3.1.1. Objective: Create a comprehensive 9-12 program from the counseling office. 3.1.2. Objective: Implement the St. Pius X Way Program in 2022/2023 school year.
3.2. GOAL: Implement programs and procedures to heighten school spirit.
3.2.1. Objective: Continue to grow the St. Pius X House System.
3.2.2. Objective: Create opportunities for ways to acknowledge students on their successes throughout the year.

4. Advancement/Admissions

4.1 GOAL: Increase alumni engagement.
4.1.1. Objective: Explore opportunities to reach “lost” alumni.
4.1.2. Objective: Develop opportunities for greater participation by alumni currently engaging in St. Pius X High School activities.
4.1.3. Objective: Continue to highlight Featured Alumni stories.

4.2. GOAL: Improve communications.
4.2.1. Objective: Develop communication plans, channels/mediums for individual target markets: Alumni, grade schools, high schools, parishes, students, parents, grandparents, community members and businesses.
4.2.2. Objective: Create internal, student-developed marketing program focused on social media.

4.3. GOAL: Expand enrollment management efforts to encompass other religious denominations and PSR (Parish School of Religion).
4.3.1. Objective: Develop Enrollment Management program. 

4.4. GOAL: Increase participation in the Business Alliance program.
4.4.1. Objective: Develop, distribute, and review survey to Business Alliance members seeking input on the program.
4.4.2. Objective: Investigate community organizations and/or opportunities to share St. Pius X High School stories.
4.4.3. Objective: Determine if it is possible to have Business Alliance more prominently displayed on
4.4.4. Objective: Distribute Business Alliance materials at events (sports, theatre, open house, etc). 4.4.5. Objective: Develop follow up procedures to learn more about the reason(s) Business Alliance members renew or not.

4.5. GOAL: Increase the total number of Fund for St. Pius X donors by 80 per year.
4.6. GOAL: Promote planned giving program.
4.7. GOAL: Strive to attain a target student enrollment of 320.

5. Finance

5.1. GOAL: Maintain long-term viability and sustainability.
5.1.1. Objective: Establish a communication plan to bring awareness to the difference between tuition and the actual cost to educate.

5.2. GOAL: Enhance financial aid and deferred maintenance funding.
5.2.1. Objective: Allocate any annual surplus to financial aid or deferred maintenance.
5.2.2. Objective: Earmark post-graduation receivables to financial aid or deferred maintenance.

6. Facilities

6.1. GOAL: Investigate, prepare and develop a Master Plan.
6.1.1 Objective: Plan will include all St. Pius X High School facilities, including but not limited to, chapel, classrooms, performing/fine arts, gymnasium, HVAC, electric power source, elevator, cafeteria, parking, athletic fields, Wellness Center roof patio, roofs and windows.
6.2. GOAL: Based on the Master Plan, investigate and perform feasibility study for capital campaign.

6.3. GOAL: Explore funding opportunities to procure property for future expansion.
6.4. GOAL: Determine feasibility and viability of renewable energy sources.