
College Scholarship Opportunities

The St. Pius X college counselor works throughout the year to help students and parents understand the complexities of the college admissions process and provide information regarding available college scholarship opportunities. Listed below is valuable information regarding the college scholarship process. If you have any questions throughout the year, please contact Mr. Ken Halter at (636) 931-7487 ext. 143 or by email at

Scholarship Search sites: Usually an account can be created and they send you information about scholarships you might want to apply for. Read information carefully before joining. NEVER pay for this, or supply personal information like a social security number. Examples are,, and

University Scholarships: The best source of scholarships is through the college and/or university that students are applying for. Automatic scholarships are awarded to all students who are admitted and meet the requirements for that particular scholarship. Often your application for admission is all that is required, but each school has its own guidelines. Merit scholarships are competitive and usually require additional things like an interview, essay, and separate application. Departmental scholarships are awarded based on your field of study. Check college websites for specifics. Most universities have strict deadlines for these so apply early (normally November 1 is a safe date)

General Scholarships: These are scholarships offered nationally, state-wide, county-wide or locally through a variety of organizations. Watch deadlines and criteria for eligibility. Below are some opportunities that are available currently: